Study the Bible Like a Pro.
I've created this page to encourage people to study the Bible and study deeply. You don't need to be a theologian, seminary student, or academic to read and study the Bible.
I will be posting once a week study questions and suggestions for each book of the Bible. Your welcome to follow along or simply read through as you desire. The questions are meant to direct you to aspects of the Bible that will help you remember what you are reading and to discover connections that bind the Bible together.
What you may need:
A Study Bible
A Bible Study Program or App. (Links Comming soon)
A concordance (often there will be one in the back of your study Bible)
Strongs Concordance (if your really keen. It will give you greek and hebrew definitions)
Some time
pen and paper for taking notes.
Genesis Part 1.
Questions and Directions for reading Genesis and Exodus.
1: Where else do we find reference in the Bible to the Beginning. Use a concordance to look at other references to the Beginning? Do these match the account in Genesis chapters 1& 2. How does John 1 add to the account in Genesis?
2: What does God say over and over again after he creates on each day? When does he finally say “it is not Good” any why does he say it?
3: When does Genesis 2:4 take place? Hint: read Genesis 2:1-7.
4: How many trees were in the centre garden? What would these give to the people who ate their fruit?
5: How does John 8:44 help us understand the serpent? Satan is the father of _______.
6: What were the lies that Satan told Eve in order to convince her to eat the Fruit?
8: How does this play into our salvation, are we all sinful? What does Romans 5 say about this?
7: What does God reveal to Cain about the nature of sin in Genesis 4?
8: Why was Cain upset about God’s punishment, what was the thing he was most going to miss?
9: If you have the tools to do so (E Sword, Bible Works, etc, or you can use strong’s concordance). Look up the names in Genesis 5. What do these names mean?
10: In 6:3 what does God say he cannot do for longer with men? Why does he have to do that?
11: Nephillum? Check out Numbers 13:31+
12: What did God promise after the flood?
13: In Genesis 9:1 What does God command from Noah?
14: In Genesis 9:20+ Who was cursed, Ham or his sons?
15: For Chapter 10, use a concordance to look up the names of the nations and see where they are mentioned elsewhere in the Bible?
16: In chapter 11 it says the nations of all the world gatered at the plain of Shinar. What were they supposed to have done according to God’s command in Genesis 9?
17: How did God use the task he gave Abram to make sure his people spread out further?
18: What was God’s promise to Abram if he did go?
19: Why did Abram and Sarai lie? Did this happen any other time in Scripture? (Use a concordance)
20: How did God use Abram and Lot’s situation to draw attention to Sodom?
21. For Genesis 14 in order to understand who was fighting for whom, make a chart dividing which kings were on the side of Sodom and which kings were against Sodom. Look up those kingdoms in a concordance and see what happened to them in later years.
22. What was God’s promise to Abraham? What was Abraham’s commitment to God?
23. Why did God rename him Abraham from Abram?
24. Whose Idea was t to have Hagar father Abraham’s Child?
25. What did God say about Ishmael?
26. In Chapter 17 what did God say must be done to all males in Abraham’s line? Was this true for Lot and his family or any other families? (Note: this is an important question for the early Church in Acts and Paul’s letters.)
27. What did Abraham do in Verse 17:17?
28. Who visited Abraham and Sarah in Chapter 18?
29. Who is speaking from 18:9-10?
30. What was Sarah’s response?
I've created this page to encourage people to study the Bible and study deeply. You don't need to be a theologian, seminary student, or academic to read and study the Bible.
I will be posting once a week study questions and suggestions for each book of the Bible. Your welcome to follow along or simply read through as you desire. The questions are meant to direct you to aspects of the Bible that will help you remember what you are reading and to discover connections that bind the Bible together.
What you may need:
A Study Bible
A Bible Study Program or App. (Links Comming soon)
A concordance (often there will be one in the back of your study Bible)
Strongs Concordance (if your really keen. It will give you greek and hebrew definitions)
Some time
pen and paper for taking notes.
Genesis Part 1.
Questions and Directions for reading Genesis and Exodus.
1: Where else do we find reference in the Bible to the Beginning. Use a concordance to look at other references to the Beginning? Do these match the account in Genesis chapters 1& 2. How does John 1 add to the account in Genesis?
2: What does God say over and over again after he creates on each day? When does he finally say “it is not Good” any why does he say it?
3: When does Genesis 2:4 take place? Hint: read Genesis 2:1-7.
4: How many trees were in the centre garden? What would these give to the people who ate their fruit?
5: How does John 8:44 help us understand the serpent? Satan is the father of _______.
6: What were the lies that Satan told Eve in order to convince her to eat the Fruit?
8: How does this play into our salvation, are we all sinful? What does Romans 5 say about this?
7: What does God reveal to Cain about the nature of sin in Genesis 4?
8: Why was Cain upset about God’s punishment, what was the thing he was most going to miss?
9: If you have the tools to do so (E Sword, Bible Works, etc, or you can use strong’s concordance). Look up the names in Genesis 5. What do these names mean?
10: In 6:3 what does God say he cannot do for longer with men? Why does he have to do that?
11: Nephillum? Check out Numbers 13:31+
12: What did God promise after the flood?
13: In Genesis 9:1 What does God command from Noah?
14: In Genesis 9:20+ Who was cursed, Ham or his sons?
15: For Chapter 10, use a concordance to look up the names of the nations and see where they are mentioned elsewhere in the Bible?
16: In chapter 11 it says the nations of all the world gatered at the plain of Shinar. What were they supposed to have done according to God’s command in Genesis 9?
17: How did God use the task he gave Abram to make sure his people spread out further?
18: What was God’s promise to Abram if he did go?
19: Why did Abram and Sarai lie? Did this happen any other time in Scripture? (Use a concordance)
20: How did God use Abram and Lot’s situation to draw attention to Sodom?
21. For Genesis 14 in order to understand who was fighting for whom, make a chart dividing which kings were on the side of Sodom and which kings were against Sodom. Look up those kingdoms in a concordance and see what happened to them in later years.
22. What was God’s promise to Abraham? What was Abraham’s commitment to God?
23. Why did God rename him Abraham from Abram?
24. Whose Idea was t to have Hagar father Abraham’s Child?
25. What did God say about Ishmael?
26. In Chapter 17 what did God say must be done to all males in Abraham’s line? Was this true for Lot and his family or any other families? (Note: this is an important question for the early Church in Acts and Paul’s letters.)
27. What did Abraham do in Verse 17:17?
28. Who visited Abraham and Sarah in Chapter 18?
29. Who is speaking from 18:9-10?
30. What was Sarah’s response?